Lesson 14 – Things Change

As we approached the turn of the century and the year 2000, there were some people who believed that all the computer systems in the world that were in use at that time would crash when their internal clocks hit 1/1/2000. Apparently, they had not been programmed to function after that date. Frankly, people were scared, especially banks, power plants and transportation companies which depend on the date/time to be accurate. In the end, it all turned out okay. If it sounds too good (or bad) to be true, it probably is. For the year 2000, we’re highlighting our past technology clients ComputerLand and I-Land, who led our region through the great Y2K “millenium bug” and beyond. Although ComputerLand is no longer around, I-Land was purchased by Otelco and they continue to bring innovation to the marketplace.