What it Takes to Create a Great Video

What it Takes to Create a Great Video

Video has taken the marketing world by storm, suitably catering to our quick-scroll culture and rapidly decreasing attention spans. A good video will grab your attention quickly and deliver information in a way that’s easy to consume. Whether for learning, entertainment, or promotion, video keeps us engaged in a fast-paced digital environment where grabbing and…

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What Is Web Accessibility and Why Does It Matter?

Website Accessibility - Keyboard with and Accessibility Key

Web accessibility is a crucial area of web development that ensures websites are usable by everyone, including people with disabilities. By designing websites that accommodate all users, you not only comply with legal requirements but also enhance your site’s reach and usability. This inclusivity is crucial where the internet is a vital resource for information,…

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Maximizing Impact with Integrated Marketing

Maximizing Impact with Integrated Marketing

To deliver consistent messaging and enhance brand recall efficiently, it’s essential to tear down the walls standing between digital marketing, public relations, media, and content creation. This allows for a cohesive strategy that resonates with customers across various platforms and provides a more integrated marketing approach. The Benefits of Integrated Marketing Integrated marketing strategies offer…

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Crafting a Unified Brand Strategy for Every Platform

Creating a Unified Brand Strategy for Every Platform

Building a dynamic brand strategy is crucial for establishing a meaningful connection with your target audience. It’s about defining your brand’s core values, understanding your audience, and sharing your unique story across various platforms to stand out in the marketplace. Embracing a Multichannel Brand Strategy The shift towards a multichannel strategy ensures your brand’s presence…

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How Do You Develop Great Creative?

How do you develop great creative?

In the digital age, attention spans are fleeting and content now has to be more than just eye-catching to the consumer. Not only does it need to pull the consumer in, it should also inspire them to take action, whether that be buying a product or using your provided services. For advertising to be effective…

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Our Top Super Bowl 2024 Ads

Touchdowns and Teasers

Super Bowl Sunday has become quite the national holiday for some. Whether it’s the big game, the long-awaited halftime show, or the hilarious and sometimes heart-warming commercials keeping you on the edge of your seat, there’s something for everyone to enjoy. Oh, and let’s not forget about the snacks! Each year, we compile a list…

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Lead Generation: Key Strategies for Modern Customer Acquisition

Lead Generation Infographic

Where Do Leads Come From? In today’s competitive market, it’s a challenge for marketers to identify the best sources for acquiring new customers. Understanding lead generation strategies and programs are essential for simplifying customer acquisition. These programs integrate advanced marketing strategies with common sense tactics to effectively engage today’s consumers. Let’s explore a few tactics…

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How Does SEO Work? | Understanding Modern SEO & Content Marketing

How does SEO work?

Understanding SEO can be challenging. It’s complex and constantly evolving, making it hard to keep up with unless you’re working with it every day. However, SEO shouldn’t be written off as too complex and ignored. Some basic concepts of SEO are essential for everyone to understand. To illustrate the initial planning process at a high…

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When to Rebuild a Business Website: A Guide for Rural Business Leaders

In today’s fast-paced digital world, your website is more than just an online brochure; it’s a vital tool for connecting with customers, especially in rural America. For business leaders and owners, regularly assessing your website’s effectiveness is key. We suggest reviewing your site every two to three years with specific questions in mind to determine…

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Reap the Benefits of a Managed Social Media Program

Reap the Benefits of a Managed Social Media Program

Social media has become an integral part of our daily lives and a critical platform for businesses to connect with their audience. However, managing social media accounts can be time-consuming and overwhelming. A managed social media program can address that concern while adding numerous other benefits. Regain Time and Resources An out-sourced social media management…

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Maximizing Potential: Benefits of Website Maintenance and Updates

Benefits of Website Maintenance and Updates

Your website’s launch was a significant milestone, but the process doesn’t end there. In fact, it’s just the beginning. Regularly updating your website is a strategic move that holds numerous benefits for sustained success. Establishing a Successful Content Marketing and SEO Program A website isn’t just an online brochure – it’s a dynamic platform for…

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The Value of a Brand

The Value of a Brand

In a surprising move, Twitter, the social media giant known for its iconic bird logo and 280-character tweets, recently announced its decision to rebrand as “X.” The news took the internet by storm, sparking discussions among users, analysts, and industry experts. For those companies considering a rebrand, using X can become either a cautionary tale…

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RACE Model: The Key to New PR Success

Race Model: The Key to New PR Success

In the world of public relations (PR), leveraging opportunities and developing a strategic plan is crucial for businesses to set themselves apart, enhance their reputation, and drive profitability. While PR can have different meanings for different companies, the key lies in adopting a strategic approach. The RACE model–Research, Action planning, Communication, and Evaluation–can help businesses…

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Ongoing Success with the PR Cycle

Ongoing Success with the PR Cycle

In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, establishing and maintaining a strong public relations (PR) program is crucial for businesses to effectively communicate with their target audience. By implementing an ongoing PR cycle, you can ensure that your brand remains in the public eye, drives customer engagement and ultimately contributes to your company’s success. The key steps…

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Three Reasons Why People Buy

Three Reason Why People Buy

Consumer behavior, once thought of as whimsical, has developed into a science. Sure, consumers can be fickle, but understanding the basic motivations behind purchasing decisions can play a huge role in your company’s success. 1. Want To Be Well Liked/Need To Impress An overwhelming majority of consumers want to be well-liked or at least feel…

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Is it Time for a Checkup?

Is it time for a checkup?

Collect the Data Every good company seems to want more. More customers, more good reviews, more efficiency and more revenue come to mind. But in order to get more, you must first prepare for more. Recently, Callis conducted a thorough self-evaluation. A survey was sent to senior leaders and to all departments. They were asked…

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Business and Marketing Go Hand in Hand

Two people shaking hands with the text Business and Marketing Go Hand in Hand

Many may view business and marketing as separate endeavors, but at the end of the day, the two go hand in hand. Marketing and business complement each other as naturally as ice cream and good times – more on that later. The same can be said for sales and marketing, but they too both benefit…

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Our Favorite Super Bowl Ads in 2023

Our Tops Super Bowl Ads of 2023

Super Bowl Sunday can be considered the mecca of entertainment. From the big game and halftime show to the parties and commercials, it really has something for everyone. And, 2023 did not disappoint. For the first time in years, both the game and the commercials had us glued to the TV from kick-off to the…

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Why Online Reputation Management is Important

Why Online Reputation Matters

It used to be that word-of-mouth advertising was the goose that laid the golden egg. One satisfied customer told another who in turn told another until your business was full of happy customers all eager to spend money. Today’s customers are just as willing to spread the news about your business, but these water-cooler conversations…

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Twitter Changes and Brand Security

A person scrolling Twitter on a smart phone

How Do the Changes to Twitter Impact Brands? With all the recent changes to Twitter and other big tech companies, many are wondering if their relationship with these companies should also change. Questions about brand safety, security and the possible migration of end-users have many wondering which channels are now best for their brand. Big…

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