Why Your Brand Matters

A notepad on a desk with someone drawing a chart for why branding is important

Your brand is one of your most valuable assets. Although not tangible, it is seen, recognized and shared amongst the public. Your brand should invoke feelings from your customers. It is why shoppers will bypass the competition and choose your product, even if the price is higher. Your favorite sports team has a uniform. People…

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Why Online Accuracy Matters

Why Online Accuracy Matters - person holding a cell phone with a search bar

Sometimes the tiniest things make a big difference. Business owners today are so busy thinking about their product, customer satisfaction, payroll, hiring or a host of other legitimate concerns, that they may overlook the most mundane of tasks. Simply assuming that your online contact information is correct may be one of those tasks and have…

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Five Tips for Creating an Organic Content Plan

Five Tips for Creating an Organic Content Plan, image of a phone with like and comments

This year marks the 35th anniversary of the founding of Callis & Associates. To celebrate this milestone, in January we launched the #CallisTurns35 campaign across our digital and social platforms. Every week for the first 35 weeks of the year, we shared a lesson from each year Callis has been in business and highlighted clients…

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Lesson 35 – Focus on What Makes Sense

Lesson 35 - Focus on What Makes Sense

Over the years, we have tried to identify companies and organizations that we felt might make great partners, based on our experience, expertise, values and interests. When we have found one, we want them to know so they can get to know us, hopefully like us and eventually trust us with a project or business.…

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Lesson 34 – Be Welcoming and Be Sincere

Lesson 34 - Be Welcoming and Be Sincere

When it was first announced that Nucor Steel was coming to town, it was a big deal, and the entire community was excited at the possibilities of what this might mean in growth for the region. The Nucor folks came in slowly and it was obvious that they were committed to selecting the right people…

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Lesson 33 – Look Beyond Your Core

Lesson 33- Look Beyond Your Core

We are strong proponents of niching down and focusing on your core competencies with your products and services. It makes you better at it, it increases your efficiencies and you become known for it. But from time to time, you should look outside your core for things that you could make or offer that just…

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Lesson 32 – Appreciate Referrals

Lesson 32 - Appreciate Referrals

Nothing is better than word-of-mouth advertising. In our business, that means one of our past or current clients saying good things about us to someone we would like to do business with. A great example of this happened a couple of years ago and we continue to enjoy the benefits of that today. Russ Childers…

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2022 Agritourism Conference Presentation

2022 Agri Tourism Conference slide show on screen

In July of 2022, the Callis team was tasked with presenting at the Agritourism Conference in Joplin, Missouri, presented by Missouri Farm Bureau and Missouri Grown. The annual event, held at various locations around the state, provides resources, tools, and networking opportunities to those working in the agritourism industry. These are often small or family-owned…

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Lesson 31 – Do Your Research

Lesson 31 - Do Your Research

Whenever we have the opportunity and budget to do research for a client, we’re enthused! It makes the results of our job so much better. Of course, not every project demands research and not every client can justify it. One who does though is Bothwell Regional Health Center. We’ve been working with Bothwell for many…

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Lesson 30 – Over-Communicate

Lesson 30 - Over-Communicate

We’ve found over the past 35 years that you can’t communicate too much. Sure, you can wear people out with boring stories about all your travels, but when you’re working on a project, especially highly-technical and complicated ones like we work on, you can’t communicate enough. Going back a few years, we were fortunate to…

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Lesson 29 – Invest in Your Community

Lesson 29 - Invest in Your Community

Back in 2015, our city faced the need and the opportunity to pass a Use Tax that would be used to fund needed infrastructure and services. The issue made a lot of sense, and in fact, we had worked with their state association a couple of years prior to create a templated campaign that all…

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Lesson 28 – Business is Synergistic

Lesson 28 - Business is Synergistic

We find many times in business that our clients face the same types of opportunities and challenges that we do. We see business models that are similar to ours. We learn how our clients’ business development and sales cycles parallel ours. Maybe that’s just the B2B world, but it’s uncanny. LammTech is one of those…

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What is Repurposing Content in Marketing?

What is Content Repurposing?

There are two major ways to get the most out of your content. The first is to repurpose older content and republish it with up-to-date information. The second is to repurpose it across all your platforms, including social media, blogs, email and more. Both options allow you to take advantage of content that is already…

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Lesson 27 – Be Prepared

Lesson 27 - Be Prepared

Over the years, we’ve had literally hundreds of opportunities to pitch ideas and new business. Most times, we’ve gone above and beyond, but unfortunately, there are times we have fallen short. The key is in preparation. Borrowing from the Boy Scout motto of “Be Prepared,” we’ve always tried to be overly prepared for every presentation.…

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Lesson 26 – Pay It Forward

Lesson 26 - Pay It Forward

At Callis, we’ve always had the philosophy that we should give back, whether that’s in the community, the industry or an organization that does great things for good people who need their help. Over the years, members of Callis leadership has been involved in the volunteer leadership for the Center for Human Services, a Missouri…

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Lesson 25 – Follow the Process

Lesson 25 - Follow the Process

In our agency, we use a strategic insight process we’ve learned and perfected to identify the one key message point that will really stand out and resonate with a target audience. We’ve used it many times and one of the most recent is with our work with the City of Sedalia, Missouri. We’ve been fortunate…

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Lesson 24 – Believe in What You Do

Lesson 24 - Believe in What You Do

Over the years, we’ve built our business on the rural American lifestyle. Sure, we’ve had lots of clients who didn’t necessarily fall into this category, but for sure, it’s been our bread and butter and where we focus our efforts today. Some of our earliest experiences in this market focused on marketing outdoor sports products…

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The Power of Marketing Personas

The Power of Personas

Building a marketing plan without knowing your audience is like building a house without blueprints. Who are you trying to reach, and with what message or goal in mind? Identifying these things is vital to an effective marketing plan. Whether you are a small business developing your first campaign, or a well-established large corporation, personas…

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Lesson 23 – Face the Music

Lesson 23 - Face the Music

We started hearing about Facebook back around 2010 as the college students we knew shared the ways they were using it. It sounded interesting, and valuable to an extent, but we had no idea it would become what it has. When the opportunity came along for us in the non-academic world to start using it,…

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Lesson 22 – Sometimes You Have to Pivot

Lesson 22 - Sometimes You Have to Pivot

Back in 2020, many businesses recognized the need to pivot to either survive or capitalize on the effects of the pandemic. I think most marketers would agree that the word “pivot” became greatly overused, but it was the right term and the right thing to do at the time. But pivoting can also be needed…

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