Lesson 31 – Do Your Research

Whenever we have the opportunity and budget to do research for a client, we’re enthused! It makes the results of our job so much better. Of course, not every project demands research and not every client can justify it.
One who does though is Bothwell Regional Health Center. We’ve been working with Bothwell for many years in a variety of roles and several years ago, their board supported the idea of being aggressive with their branding in order to improve market share. Using a combination of focus groups, personal interviews and statistical data, we were able to gain insight that truly led us down a path of discovery. It resulted in a campaign we called “We’re in it Together” with a tagline that has stuck over the years…Get Well. Stay Well. Bothwell. We backed the research and insight up with a branding campaign using testimonials to tell the Bothwell story, and they did very well. We’ve continued since then with this tagline and theme and the results have been strong.
If you’ve got an important story to tell, do your research. It will give you the foundation and understanding you need to create intelligently and move forward confidently. Thank you to Bothwell for your support for research and our partnership.