Lesson 24 – Believe in What You Do

Over the years, we’ve built our business on the rural American lifestyle. Sure, we’ve had lots of clients who didn’t necessarily fall into this category, but for sure, it’s been our bread and butter and where we focus our efforts today. Some of our earliest experiences in this market focused on marketing outdoor sports products and energy. In fact, it’s one of the reasons we were selected to partner with the Missouri Propane Education and Research Council; the unique niche was relevant to the propane customer. One of the first things we found out when we conducted consumer research to get up to speed was that most consumers only think about the tank for their grill when they think about propane, and propane is so much more than that. Within the last decade of working together, we’ve come to learn much more about this clean, American energy. You can actually use propane for much of your cooking, warming, drying and lighting needs, and it is a mainstay in the agriculture industry. Through this process, we truly believe in the value and benefits of propane and we look for opportunities to tell others about it. Thanks to MOPERC for the chance to help educate Missourians about propane. We love sharing the story.