Lights, Camera, Marketing

OUTdrive episode 206 with Nicholas Harrison

OUTdrive Episode 206 with Nicholas Harrison

Nicholas Harrison, a Canadian-born author, actor, and self-proclaimed Jedi, has led an extraordinary life that intertwines with the world of entertainment and creativity. With a Ph.D. in film and theater history, Nick’s career spans 35 years, covering various roles from a fight director and stunt performer to a morning radio personality and corporate entertainer. His small-town, blue-collar upbringing, where entertainment served as a vital escape and joy, has deeply influenced his passion for the industry. His stories and wisdom, accumulated from a lifetime of diverse experiences, reflect his dedication to his craft and the entertainment world.

Nick’s approach to marketing and content creation is rooted in authenticity and the power of human connections. His ability to create enchanting characters and experiences, honed through delighting guests at Disneyland and corporate events, offers valuable lessons for marketing beyond the entertainment sector. Tune in to learn more about the art of crafting stories that resonate.