Managing a Content Marketing Team

If you’re managing a content marketing team you are likely well aware of the importance of content, and not just content, but really good content. But how can you lead your content marketing team to consistently and efficiently hammer out new, really good content? There’s no doubt this is a challenging question and I’m guessing you’ve put some thought to it.
3 Content Marketing Tips and Tricks for Leadership
We’ve put together a list of 3 content marketing tips and tricks to help you manage your content marketing team to be even more successful.
Content Marketing Tip 1: Processes are Key
Similar to any component of a marketing program, or really any component of a business, processes are vital. Processes for your content team need to be established, documented and enforced. You need to have a process for topic strategy and research, copy development, technical SEO and launching the content. And not only that, but these processes need to be continually updated. With search algorithms changing, SEO best practices changing and new tools and technologies constantly becoming available, updating your content development and management processes on a regular basis is imperative for success. You need a process for managing your process!
Content Marketing Tip 2: Create an Atmosphere of Continual Learning
Because algorithms, best practices and technology are constantly changing, it’s important to create an atmosphere of continual learning among your team. Encourage your team members to follow and read content marketing and web-related blogs to stay up-to-date on trends, tools and best practices. Allow them time to do independent research on these subjects to keep their digital saws sharp. Encourage them to try new strategies and tactics to reach your target audience in new and innovative ways, and conduct A/B testing when applicable to figure out what works best for your brand. Emphasize the importance of continually monitoring, reporting and optimizing your content.
Content Marketing Tip 3: Think Big Picture
You’re always thinking big picture, but in some cases your content team may not be. They are likely to be thinking more about their specific assigned projects, when they are coming due and focusing on getting those done to meet their deadlines. Don’t be afraid to have big picture conversations with your team. Make sure they know what you’re trying to accomplish and how you plan to get there. Share some of your longer-term goals with them and get their buy-in and support. If everyone on your team knows where you want to go, they’ll be more likely to be able to help you get there. Helping your content team see the big picture will help your company reach those goals.
Leading a content marketing team is no easy task. There’s a lot of moving parts that need to work together to be effective. We hope these content marketing tips and tricks will help you and your team be effective in building your brand and your business.