Collaborating for Conservation

OUTdrive Episode 182 with Tricia Burkhardt
Out here in the country, we take conservation seriously. Whether it’s our farmers who manage their properties for sustainability, our hunters who meticulously nurture the land they hunt on or the fishermen who help keep our streams, rivers and lakes clean, there’s an understanding in rural America that conservation is a fundamental part of life. Here in Missouri, we are lucky to have an abundance of all of those things and we are working hard and collaborating to make sure we have them for generations to come.
One person who is working hard to make that happen is Tricia Burkhardt, the Executive Director of The Missouri Conservation Heritage Foundation (MCHF). MCHF is an organization that is passionate about preserving, conserving, and enhancing our state’s natural resources and they are dedicated to finding ways to get people outdoors so they can learn to appreciate our fish, forest and wildlife. Listen in as we discuss the foundation and their programs, how they’re telling their story and how they’re encouraging people to enjoy our natural resources.