Podcast Takeaways From 2023

Welcome to OUTdrive and welcome to 2024! We hope each of you had a safe and happy new year’s celebration, however you chose to spend it.
Today, we’re taking a special drive down memory lane and revisiting some of the most impactful stories and insights we shared over the past year. We want to be up front and share with you though that we used AI technology tools to scroll through all 52 episodes to give us a starting point for today … so buckle up and let’s get rolling.
Our highlights include a focus on the economic landscape in Missouri, exploring the essence of leadership, learning that though business is serious, it can also be fun, as well as the importance of connections and hearing about new technologies and ideas that are paramount to being effective.
Doing our podcast over the past three and a half years has been fun all along the way, enjoying the journey and enjoying the people we have met and gotten to know. As marketers, we must be lifelong learners to keep pace with the exciting developments in digital marketing, and our podcasts have been one way we have accomplished that.
If you missed any of our previous episodes, you can find them all on ecallis.com or by searching for the OUTdrive podcast on your favorite audio streaming platform. And, stay tuned every week as we have some really great episodes coming up.
As we wrap up today’s journey, let’s remember … rural America is vibrant, ever-evolving and full of surprises. 2023 was a fantastic year at OUTdrive and at Callis and we’re just getting started on another new adventure. Thanks for taking the time to ride along with us today and stay tuned for more stories from the heartland about the dynamic nature of rural America marketing, where it’s heaven on earth.