The Power of a Personal Brand in the Rural American Marketplace

Nip Neidert Power of a Personal Brand

OUTdrive Episode 3 with Nip Neidert

Whether you are entering the job force for the first time or closing your one hundredth deal, you must understand the importance of a strong personal brand. It is no secret that people want to do business with people that they know, like and trust. Developing a strong personal brand and selling yourself as a person will help you achieve your goals, both personal and professional.

Creating a Personal Brand

  1. Build a personal connection: Building a personal relationship with others, especially potential customers or clients, is the most important aspect of creating a personal brand. Personal connections are important, and ensuring those connections are a focus in professional relationships is key in humanizing your personal brand. People like people that are caring, kind, professional and have their best interests at heart.
  2. Stay up to date on industry trends: Being regarded as a trustworthy professional plays a vital role in developing a personal brand. Continuously educating yourself on industry trends and new technologies will show clients that you are passionate about delivering the best services possible to meet their needs. This will help you build a strong reputation as the expert in your industry, leading to stronger relationships and new relationships as well.
  3. Know how to stand out: Find ways to differentiate yourself and your product from the competition. Develop a strategic skillset that can be used to best meet the needs of your clients, and utilize it proactively. Anticipate their needs and meet them where they are to differentiate yourself from others. You must also know how to set your product apart from competitors. What are the unique qualities and features that you can offer that others can’t? Highlighting these features in an honest and creative way will help clients remember you and your product when the time comes.
  4. Maintain a positive attitude: No matter your industry, a positive attitude and strong work ethic go a long way. Seeking opportunities and finding ways to grow as a professional will set you ahead of your competition and show others that you are dedicated and devoted to the success of your business and your clients. There is no way to control the actions of others, but you can always control your individual mindset. Make the most of it!

Personal brands are powerful and vitally important to success. At Callis, we pride ourselves on being real people that deliver real results for our clients. Hear more on the power of building a personal brand from Cliff Callis and Nip Neidert on the most recent episode of OUTdrive!