What Is Web Accessibility and Why Does It Matter?

Website Accessibility - Keyboard with and Accessibility Key

Web accessibility is a crucial area of web development that ensures websites are usable by everyone, including people with disabilities. By designing websites that accommodate all users, you not only comply with legal requirements but also enhance your site’s reach and usability. This inclusivity is crucial where the internet is a vital resource for information,…

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How Does SEO Work? | Understanding Modern SEO & Content Marketing

How does SEO work?

Understanding SEO can be challenging. It’s complex and constantly evolving, making it hard to keep up with unless you’re working with it every day. However, SEO shouldn’t be written off as too complex and ignored. Some basic concepts of SEO are essential for everyone to understand. To illustrate the initial planning process at a high…

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When to Rebuild a Business Website: A Guide for Rural Business Leaders

In today’s fast-paced digital world, your website is more than just an online brochure; it’s a vital tool for connecting with customers, especially in rural America. For business leaders and owners, regularly assessing your website’s effectiveness is key. We suggest reviewing your site every two to three years with specific questions in mind to determine…

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Maximizing Potential: Benefits of Website Maintenance and Updates

Benefits of Website Maintenance and Updates

Your website’s launch was a significant milestone, but the process doesn’t end there. In fact, it’s just the beginning. Regularly updating your website is a strategic move that holds numerous benefits for sustained success. Establishing a Successful Content Marketing and SEO Program A website isn’t just an online brochure – it’s a dynamic platform for…

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The Importance of Planning When Developing a Website

Website Planning Process

An often overlooked but critical part of the website development process is planning. Before creating a design or writing any code, there should be an in-depth planning process to ensure that the website meets all user needs. Benefits of including planning early in the website development process: Identify all business needs Identify all user needs…

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Why is it Important to Keep Your Website Updated?

Benefits of Website Updates

For businesses out here in rural America, a strong digital presence is vital for connecting with local and non-local customers. With almost two billion websites in the world, chances are your company has its own website that connects your audience to your brand. Your website is one of the first places people go when seeking…

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What are Core Web Vitals and What Do They Mean?

Page Experience Signals: Core Web Vitals

Core web vitals are a popular subject in SEO and the digital marketing industry. You may be wondering what they are and what they mean for your business. Core web vitals are a subset of ranking factors in the Google Search algorithm. These factors, along with others, determine your search engine results page (SERP) rankings.…

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Digital Marketing Trends Webinar

Digital Marketing Trends Webinar

View our webinar and gain insight into trends in the digital space that you can apply to help you strategically build your brand and grow your business. Trends include actionable insights for websites, SEO, content, advertising methods, automation, AI, privacy laws and more.

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Mobile Website VS. Mobile App: Which is Better?

Man using phone by semi truck

In a busy world, it is more important than ever to meet people where they are. With over 275 million smartphone users in the U.S. alone1, this means meeting your audience through a strong mobile presence. Whether it is through a website or mobile app, an optimized digital presence is the core of a strategic…

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Is Your Website Relevant? | COVID-19 Website Considerations

man using computer

Websites are an integral component of almost every marketing or communications program. They are more important today than ever with the challenges we’re facing due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Strategic adjustments to your website that offer help, provide timely and relevant information and humanize your brand can help your company survive this time of hardship…

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Why the User Experience (UX) is so Important

Mother with Baby Shopping Online - Why UX is important

As a new mom, I have become a huge fan of convenience. I have always enjoyed shopping at stores, shops and malls, but now Amazon and online shopping have become my best friend. It has made me appreciate those companies who really think about their customers and their online experiences and go a step above…

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Choosing Your Website Platform

Choosing your Website-Platform

What platform is your website built on? Not sure? You’re not alone. Yet deciding the answer to this question should be an important aspect of your next site build, because it is a decision that will impact your organization for years to come. A website platform is the set of foundational tools upon which a…

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